The Steve Myers Project

An investigative documentary, 44 interviews filmed and counting.

Steve Myers, born Stephen Howard Myers, and who later changed his name to Stephen Jackson, is accused of grooming and/or sexual abusing boys in Mountain View, Carbondale, Santa Cruz, Denver, Amherst, South Africa, and England. These allegations span from the early 1970s to the late 2010s.

In December 2024, Santa Cruz City Schools settled a lawsuit brought by two of Myers's victims for $4.5 million.

If you have information or stories to share about Myers or his enablers, please contact me with the button above.

Myers was my high school principal in Massachusetts from 2001 to 2002, when he was ousted after admitting to grooming behaviors toward a student. I did not personally know him, but I was affected by the incident nonetheless.

I’m an independent creator, self-funded and not affiliated with any group or person. The goal of this project is to hold Myers publicly accountable for his conduct, to expose the many failures to stop him, and to encourage all victims to speak out against their abusers.

-Max Karson